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EagleOne software is a powerful package allowing you to quickly and easily analyze data from your process. Screen layout is clear and using the enhanced control bar makes this a very easy, package to operate, with all the analysis functions you will need.

Above all two key elements have been fundamental in the design of this software:

  • Simplicity. Too many software packages have functions built in that benefit only a few users and complicate the package for the majority. We have avoided this without compromising the available analysis in EagleOne software.

  • Clarity. The software screen has been laid out so users can see what is really important to them - the profile of their oven, furnace, or kiln. The user interface is clearly laid out at the side of the screen to give maximum space to the profile and calculation area.

When data is downloaded from the Data Logger, the results are saved in a database for easy access which can be organized in a logical manner using the multi column sorting facility. Process templates can then be constructed so the data can be overlaid against a backdrop which represents all physical points within your oven / furnace.

The analysis functions allow you to examine and assess all your critical process parameters in a fast uncomplicated way. For example, it is possible for the user to do calculations like 'time at temperature' and maximum and minimum temperatures' can be made within specific areas rather than across the whole process.


EagleOne software has all the essential functions you require to keep your process under control.

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